Developer Blog Newsletter

7 Remote Working Challenges [And How to Beat Them]

April 2019 Issue

Latest remote work guides đź“š

Hi 👋 this month: we bring you some more guides, tips and tricks on how to bolster your career as a remote developer!Check them out 👇👇👇

Remote workers are proven to be happier and more productive than their in-office peers.

But it’s not All Sunshine and Rainbows.

Remote work has unique challenges that must be addressed in order to avoid potential problems. To help you out, we’ve put together this guide on how to resolve the most common remote working challenges.

The Latin America remote tech boom is real.Over the last ten years, Latin America has become a key partner in major global markets, especially for U.S. tech companies. As Forbes says, this “technological revolution” is making waves across the globe as Latin American virtual teams master important IT projects with great success.

Let’s take a closer look at this remote boom in numbers!

Shifting from an in-office to a remote model could have seriously good consequences for your company. But it has to be done right. Recently, big-name companies like Reddit and IBM have eliminated remote work and recalled their employees back in the office because they couldn’t “collaborate and coordinate effectively.”

 Issue Partner:  RunningRemote 

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Running Remote is the largest event for practical advice from leading CEO’s, Founders, and Project Managers who build and manage remote teams. Some of their speakers include Marcie Murray Director of Support Shopify, Amir Salihefendic Founder of Doist, Andrew Warner of Mixergy, Mariano Suarez-Battan CEO of Mural and more. Topics will cover hiring practices, financial management, company culture, collaboration tools and lots more.